pigeon's shit
“Quando o agronegócio chegou por aqui, nos disseram para não consumir boa parte dos frutos que costumávamos consumir. Tudo aquilo que não era mercadoria era ruim, só o que era mercadoria prestava”. Nego Bispo (A terra dá, a terra quer)
Pigeon's shit is made up of 30 industrially produced metal cans stickered with the text “Pigeon Shit – content, 1 gr. liquid; preserved fresh; produced and canned; October 2024”. This text is reproduced in Portuguese, English, and French. In the background, the name Bartholomew Feather is repeated countless times and on the lid it says “produced by” and, next to it, there is the image of a pigeon with an analog camera attached to its body. The cans were signed and numbered. The work is displayed at MUMA - municipal art museum, Curitiba/PR as part of the collective exhibition Trajetos Improbáveis (Coordination/curatorship by Ana Bellenzier).